- Luovien yritysten liiketoimintamallit ja liiketoiminnan kehittäminen
- Brändistrategia
- Asiakaskeskeinen arvolupaus
- Lahjakkuudesta liiketoimintaan, oman polun löytäminen
- Palvelun ja tuotteen integroiminen arvolupaukseen
- Kuinka hyödyntää kiertotalouden verkostoja ja yhteistyötä, sekä kierrätettyjen materiaalien käyttömahdollisuudet yritystoiminnassa
- Talous- ja tuotantosuunnittelu
- Digitaalinen markkinointi
Modus, in cooperation with the Center for Creative Industries in Tartu and the Finnish Baltic Institute, invites creative young people aged 18-25 to participate in the entrepreneurship training program of the Estonian-Finnish cooperation project Creative Bridge! The training program is free!
The 2-month training of the Creative Bridge program encourages young people to act as entrepreneurs. Eight exciting training modules provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in business. We focus on developing entrepreneurship in the field of design. The training program culminates in a joint meeting in Tampere, Finland, where young people have the opportunity to present their products at the local Christmas market in December 2024. The training is in English, and the preliminary topics of the modules are:
Business models of creative companies and business development
Brand strategy
Customer-focused value proposition
From talent to business, finding your own path
Integrating the service and product into the value proposition
How to utilize circular economy networks and cooperation, as well as the possibilities of using recycled materials in business operations
Financial and production planning
Digital marketing
The trainings are organized for two months every week on Wednesdays from 18:00 to 20:00.
If you are a young person aged 18-25 and want to develop your entrepreneurial skills, this project is just for you! Application form to participate in the spring 2025 training programme cycle: https://forms.gle/